The Power of Blogging
The Blog is a powerful medium. Just like the "regular guy" that now has the power to broadcast his thoughts and feelings to the world, a blog is a great way for a business to get their message out about new services and products, new happenings and developments, and much more.
Blogging is also a very valuable tool for SEO!
Firstly, Google loves a website that's update often with a lot of new content, especially if it's relevant to the rest of the site. So a blog entry about your cat might not help your Google positioning if you're running an auto body shop, but if on that same blog you posted a review about a new paint additive or some sort of dent removing tech, it shows the search engines that your site is providing new and relevant info for your visitors,
Your site may have regular readers, and the more you post, the more they come back to read. Those readers may repost particularly interested stories on their own blogs or refer to your site bringing in potentially more readers. What's even cooler than that, is these readers may browse through the rest of your blog which drops your bounce rate, which tells Google people think your site is worth checking out and staying for a while!
The last, and most obvious advantage is that the unique content can help you get found on Google all on it's own. I'll use on of my current projects as an example... I've been working with Window Tinting Piedmont since October of last year, and one of the services I do for them is blogging on their site. I post 2 blogs per month on their site using content they've suggested, or I'll dig up relevant content and work it in.
My latest Blog entry for them was about a project in the city of Piedmont, CA. I'm happy to say that without even trying, my client now holds the number one spot (at the time of this writing) on a Google search for "Window Tinting Piedmont". Guess what shows up in that spot? The blog entry about the Piedmont project! It just goes to show, with blogging you can end up ranking high for keywords you never even intended on chasing!
Don't have time?
Don't have time to blog or know how? We can help you set up your own blog and manage it for you as one of our monthly services. Call (510) 828-5833 for more information!